Features of the 0.2.8 version:
- Graphics:
- OpenGL based graphics system
- GLSL shaders support
- Perpixel lighting with bump and specular
- Dynamic shadows (shadow mapping)
- Dynamic soft shadows (PCF 2x2 and 3x3)
- HDR blooming
- FP16 and FP32 textures support
- 2D, 3D and Cube textures support
- Vertex buffer object support
- OpenIL based texture loading in PNG, DDS, JPG, BMP, TGA formats
- Skinning
- 3DS Max plugin for model export
- 3DS Max plugin for skinned model export
- Particle systems
- Terrain with lods and quad tree
- Flexible material system
- Sound:
- OpenAL based sound system
- 3D sound
- OGG files playback
- Physics:
- Newton Game Dynamics engine based physics
- Support for various types of colliders:
- Box
- Sphere
- Capsule
- Cylinder
- Champfer cylinder
- Cone
- Static mesh
- Convex hull
- Simple GUI widgets:
- Window
- Button
- Checkbox
- Horizontal slider